Thursday, January 22, 2009


it's been nearly a year since i posted my first poem-like-attempt on here.

what did i hope to accomplish?  to share my writing with someone, perhaps a "one" who i'd never met and connect.  or piss off.  or fall in love with.  

i write because i am.  i write because i talk in circles.  because women break my heart and men tickle me to death.  i put words together like a seamstress with a bent needle.  i write like a scorpio.  belligerent and lusty.  words find me after a good fight, a documentary about migration, and well into a bottle of wine.  i can write sober and i will.

there is truth and ignorance in my words.  like a bicycle wheel, i have spoke-n.  ha.  that is the most brilliant line i have said today.  sorry.  that is pretentious.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps im bias because i like bikes, but spoke-n was great.

I once thought i only possesed talent with drinks, alcohol my muse. but i find that when i write without it the result is more sobering.