Wednesday, November 13, 2019

middle school dance

cue up —

song, strap in, reverse out.
coffee hot to hand,
to work now.

Grocery store
parking lot, 8am -
construction crews,
Destruction view.

lip gloss to face, bass to street.
Drive. Shoulder dance.
Live beats.

you. White truck.
Right there, on a sharp left.
Ladder on top.
Yearn. regret.

closer; closely.
your face. Shuttering.
hands sweat.
Shit. still driving.
Eyes met.

bumper to bumper
awkward dancers,
Middle school madness -
car wipers thumping.

song ends. Silence slips.
Coffee on my lip -
I go. you park.
2 passing ships.

Missing the mark.

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