Tuesday, July 5, 2011

summer enlightenment

time to meditate.
a pilgrimage to

weathered friends,
scribing pages
of sidewalk sanskrit

"hey, how are you?"
"good darling. very well."
"enjoying the sunshine?"
"yes darling. very well."
"what is the meaning of this?"
"darling. you are. listen."

bang. the white wheel on a man's
bicycle pops. he is thrown to
the curb. the bus stops.

"you have a nice ass."
"thank you."
"what did you come for?"
"then drink this."

sirens and the man is
placed in an ambulance

the beer is warm.
we shut our eyes.
silence. inhale.

alone i return to the car.

"wandering mind return to breath."

the key ignites
and i leave